Matt Whitehouse’s Story
Me and my wife Krystal got married on 27th May 2015, and we already knew that our next stage would lead us to starting a family. We were excited, thinking about the future and what that would look like, and talking about everything we thought was normal for a couple who were planning for a newborn.
1st June 2016 is a day that will live with us forever. Our pregnancy with Callie had been called 'textbook' by all the medical people we had contact with throughout. They had said that if you could build a pregnancy ours would be it.
On that morning, Krystal was in hospital and had been kept overnight as a precaution but nothing serious. Callie was kicking about inside her at 8.00am and then by 9.29am she had passed away. She was born alive at 9.02am and lived for 27 minutes.
The feelings and emotions that come over you when you are told that you have lost a baby are like nothing I can describe. Our whole world had been blown to pieces and we just did not know which way to turn. This beautiful, innocent bundle of joy who had done nothing to the world had fought bravely but had sadly passed away. I stand by the fact that the human brain is not built to understand baby loss.
All of our hopes and dreams had been dashed and our world had been turned upside down in such a short period of time. We had got to 38 weeks and 5 days with Callie, and when she was born she was absolutely perfect in every way. She is our first born and will be forever.
Callie Francine Whitehouse is a name that will live on, we are so proud of her and as her father I love her more every day. She is part of me and will be until the day I meet her again. I will always feel that this is so unfair on everyone connected to this tragic event. However I will feel sorry for Callie forever. She had done nothing wrong and did not deserve what happened to her.
All I can do now is live my life the best way I possibly can for her, I try to do that every day. The legacy she has left behind is absolutely incredible and I am so proud to call her my daughter.
Callie, we love you angel, and we know that you are watching over us every day, helping us to be better people. We love you to the moon and back. X